Thysanoptera of Japan


Mycterothrips consociatus (Targioni-Tozzetti, 1887)

和名: - 

本種は雌雄異形で、オスの触角第6節は長く発達し、メスのそれとは大きく異なる。似た種にエゴノキの樹葉上に生息するM. egonokiがいる。本州では主に山地帯でカバノキ科の樹木、特にシラカンバやダケカンバなどのカバノキ属、ヤマハンノキやヤシャブシなどのハンノキ属の葉上に見られることが多い。本州の産地と北海道から知られ、九州や四国からは今のところ記録はないが、これらの樹木が見られる山地帯では今後発見される可能性は高い。

This species indicate sexial dimorphisum: male antennal segment VI is elongate and much longer than that of female. M. egonoki, which occurs on the leaves of Styrax japonica, is very similar to this species. In Honshu, M. consociatus is usually collected from the leaves of Betulaceae such as Betura spp. and Alnus spp. at mountainous area. In Japan, this species has been recorded from Hokkaido and the mountainous areas of Honshu only but it may occur in the moauntainous areas of Kyushu and Shikoku in which Betulaceae is distributed.

  • Female



    Female head and thorax


    Male head and thorax